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[RFC,4/7] create-spdx-3.0: SPDX3 objects as classes

Message ID 20231026105033.257971-5-marta.rybczynska@syslinbit.com
State New
Headers show
Series SPDX3 Proof-of-Concept | expand

Commit Message

Marta Rybczynska Oct. 26, 2023, 10:48 a.m. UTC
From: Louis Rannou <louis.rannou@syslinbit.com>

Create SPDX3 objects that classes as they are described in the SPDX3 model.

Signed-off-by: Louis Rannou <louis.rannou@syslinbit.com>
Signed-off-by: Samantha Jalabert <samantha.jalabert@syslinbit.com>
 meta/lib/oe/spdx3.py | 385 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 385 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 meta/lib/oe/spdx3.py
diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta/lib/oe/spdx3.py b/meta/lib/oe/spdx3.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecbe999258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/lib/oe/spdx3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@ 
+# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+# This library is intended to set the data types for the SPDX3 specification. It
+# is not intended to encode any particular OE specific behaviors, see the
+# sbom.py for that.
+from oe.spdx import _String, _StringList, _Object, _ObjectList
+from oe.spdx import SPDXObject
+import json
+import hashlib
+class SPDX3Tool(SPDXObject):
+    pass
+class SPDX3Agent(SPDXObject):
+    pass
+# Profile: Core - Enumerations
+SPDX3HashAlgorithm = [
+    "blake2b256",
+    "blake2b384",
+    "blake2b512",
+    "blake3",
+    "crystalsKyber",
+    "crystalsDilithium",
+    "falcon",
+    "md2",
+    "md4",
+    "md5",
+    "md6",
+    "other",
+    "sha1",
+    "sha224",
+    "sha256",
+    "sha3_224",
+    "sha3_256",
+    "sha3_384",
+    "sha3_512",
+    "sha384",
+    "sha512",
+    "spdxPvcSha1",
+    "spdxPvcSha256",
+    "sphincsPlus"
+# Profile: Core - Datatypes
+class SPDX3IntegrityMethod(SPDXObject):
+    comment = _String()
+class SPDX3Hash(SPDX3IntegrityMethod):
+    hashValue = _String()
+    algorithm = _String()
+# Profile: Core - Classes
+class SPDX3CreationInfo(SPDXObject):
+    specVersion = _String(default="3.0.0")
+    created = _String()
+    createdBy = _ObjectList(SPDX3Agent)
+    profile = _StringList(default=["core", "software"])  # TODO: not in creationInfo in spec
+    createdUsing = _ObjectList(SPDX3Tool)
+    dataLicense = _String(default="CC0-1.0")
+    def serializer(self):
+        """
+        Serialize a creationInfo element.
+        createdBy and createdUsing are only stored with their spdxId.
+        other attributes are ordinary serialized
+        """
+        main = {"type": self.__class__.__name__[len("SPDX3"):],
+                "createdBy": []}
+        main["createdBy"] = [c.spdxId for c in self._spdx["createdBy"]]
+        if "createdUsing" in self._spdx and len(self._spdx["createdUsing"]):
+            main["createdUsing"] = [c.spdxId for c in self._spdx["createdUsing"]]
+        for (key, value) in self._spdx.items():
+            if not key in ["createdBy", "createdUsing"]:
+                main.update({key: value})
+        return main
+class SPDX3ExternalMap(SPDXObject):
+    externalId = _String()
+    verifiedUsing = _ObjectList(SPDX3IntegrityMethod)
+    definingDocument = _String()
+class SPDX3Element(SPDXObject):
+    spdxId = _String(default="SPDXRef-DOCUMENT")
+    name = _String()
+    summary = _String()
+    description = _String()
+    creationInfo = _String()
+    verifiedUsing = _ObjectList(SPDX3IntegrityMethod)
+#    packages = _ObjectList(SPDXPackage)
+#    files = _ObjectList(SPDXFile)
+#    relationships = _ObjectList(SPDXRelationship)
+#    externalDocumentRefs = _ObjectList(SPDXExternalDocumentRef)
+#    hasExtractedLicensingInfos = _ObjectList(SPDXExtractedLicensingInfo)
+    def serializer(self, rootElement):
+        """
+        Default serialization of an Element
+        creationInfo is moved to the root and refered with its id
+        context and element defined in ElementCollection and Bundle are ignored
+        Element objects are ignored
+        other attributes are ordinary serialized
+        """
+        main = {"type": self.__class__.__name__[len("SPDX3"):]}
+        for (key, value) in self._spdx.items():
+            if key == "creationInfo":
+                _id = rootElement.creationinfo(value)
+                main["creationInfo"] = _id
+            elif key not in ["context", "element"] \
+                and not isinstance(value, SPDX3Element):
+                if key[0] == '_':
+                    main.update({key[1:]: value})
+                else:
+                    main.update({key: value})
+        return main
+    def add_relationship(self, _from, relationship, _to):
+        if isinstance(_from, SPDX3Element):
+            from_spdxid = _from.spdxId
+        else:
+            from_spdxid = _from
+        if isinstance(_to, SPDX3Element):
+            to_spdxid = _to.spdxId
+        else:
+            to_spdxid = _to
+        for element in self.element:
+            if isinstance(element, SPDX3Relationship) \
+            and element._from == from_spdxid \
+            and element.relationshipType == relationship:
+                element.to.append(to_spdxid)
+                return element.spdxId
+        r = SPDX3Relationship(
+            _from=from_spdxid,
+            relationshipType=relationship,
+            to = [to_spdxid]
+        )
+        self.element.append(r)
+        return r.spdxId
+    def find_external_map(self, sourceDocumentNamespace):
+        for i in self.imports:
+            if i.definingDocument == sourceDocumentNamespace:
+                return i
+class SPDX3Relationship(SPDX3Element):
+    spdxId = _String(default="SPDXRef-Relationship") # TODO: increment id
+    _from = _String()
+    to = _StringList()
+    relationshipType = _String()
+class SPDX3Annotation(SPDX3Element):
+    spdxId = _String(default="SPDXRef-Annotation") # TODO: increment id
+    annotationType = _String()
+    statement = _String()
+    subject = _String()
+class SPDX3Agent(SPDX3Element):
+    pass
+class SPDX3Person(SPDX3Agent):
+    pass
+class SPDX3Organization(SPDX3Agent):
+    pass
+class SPDX3Tool(SPDX3Element):
+    pass
+class SPDX3Artifact(SPDX3Element):
+    suppliedBy = _ObjectList(SPDX3Agent)
+class SPDX3ElementCollection(SPDX3Element):
+    element = _ObjectList(SPDX3Element)
+    imports = _ObjectList(SPDX3ExternalMap)
+class SPDX3Bundle(SPDX3ElementCollection):
+    context = _String(default="")
+class SPDX3SpdxDocument(SPDX3Bundle):
+    documentNamespace = _String()  # TODO: where is this definition ?
+    creationInfo = _Object(SPDX3CreationInfo)
+    _spdxcounter = 1
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._spdxcreationinfo = {}
+        super().__init__()
+    def creationinfo(self, c):
+        """
+        Look for a creationInfo in the dictionary. If it does not exist,
+        create a unique id and append it if it does not exist.
+        Return the id.
+        """
+        for (_id, info) in self._spdxcreationinfo.items():
+            if c == info:
+                return _id
+        _id = "_:CreationInfo{}".format(SPDX3SpdxDocument._spdxcounter)
+        SPDX3SpdxDocument._spdxcounter += 1
+        self._spdxcreationinfo[_id] = c
+        return _id
+    def serializer(self, rootElement):
+        """
+        Serialize a SpdxDocument element.
+        context has a specific serialization
+        attributes of type Element are moved to root
+        attributes are are ordinary serialized (context and element are ignored)
+        all elements are moved to root
+        """
+        chunk = {"@context": [self.context, {}]}
+        root = super().serializer(rootElement)
+        chunk["@graph"] = []
+        body = []
+        for (_, value) in self._spdx.items():
+            if isinstance(value, SPDX3Element):
+                body.append(value.serializer(rootElement))
+        if len(self.element):
+            root["element"] = []
+            for e in self.element:
+                root["element"].append(e.spdxId)
+                body.append(e.serializer(rootElement))
+        for (_id, c) in self._spdxcreationinfo.items():
+            cser = {"@id": _id}
+            cser.update(c.serializer())
+            chunk["@graph"].append(cser)
+        chunk["@graph"].append(root)
+        chunk["@graph"] = chunk["@graph"] + body
+        return chunk
+    def to_json(self, f, *, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None):
+        class Encoder(json.JSONEncoder):
+            def __init__(self, rootElement=None, **kwargs):
+                self.rootElement = rootElement
+                super(Encoder, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+            def default(self, o):
+                if isinstance(o, SPDX3SpdxDocument):
+                    return o.serializer(self.rootElement)
+                elif isinstance(o, SPDXObject):
+                    root = o.serializer(self.rootElement)
+                    return root
+                return super().default(o)
+        sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
+        for chunk in Encoder(
+            rootElement=self,
+            sort_keys=sort_keys,
+            indent=indent,
+            separators=separators,
+        ).iterencode(self):
+            chunk = chunk.encode("utf-8")
+            f.write(chunk)
+            sha1.update(chunk)
+        return sha1.hexdigest()
+    @classmethod
+    def from_json(cls, f, attributes=[]):
+        """
+        Look into a json file for all objects of given type. Return the document
+        element and a dictionary of required objects.
+        """
+        class Decoder(json.JSONDecoder):
+            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+                super().__init__(object_hook=self.object_hook, *args, **kwargs)
+            def object_hook(self, d):
+                if 'type' in d.keys():
+                    if d['type'] in attributes or d['type'] == 'SpdxDocument':
+                        return d
+                if '@graph' in d.keys():
+                    spdxDocument = None
+                    attr = {a: [] for a in attributes}
+                    for p in d['@graph']:
+                        if p is not None:
+                            if p['type'] == 'SpdxDocument':
+                                spdxDocument = p
+                            else:
+                                attr[p['type']].append(p)
+                    return (spdxDocument, attr)
+        return json.load(f, cls=Decoder)
+# Profile: Software - Datatypes
+SPDX3SoftwarePurpose = [
+    "application",
+    "archive",
+    "bom",
+    "configuration",
+    "container",
+    "data",
+    "device",
+    "documentation",
+    "executable",
+    "file",
+    "firmware",
+    "framework",
+    "install",
+    "library",
+    "module",
+    "operatingSystem",
+    "patch",
+    "source",
+    "other"
+class SPDX3SoftwareArtifact(SPDX3Artifact):
+    primaryPurpose = _String()
+    additionalPurpose = _StringList()
+class SPDX3Package(SPDX3SoftwareArtifact):
+    packageVersion = _String()
+    homePage = _String()
+    downloadLocation = _String()
+class SPDX3File(SPDX3SoftwareArtifact):
+    pass
+# OpenEmbedded base class
+class SPDX3Graph(SPDXObject):
+    # TODO: rework: graph should only have a list of objects and more
+    # intelligence in to_json
+    package = _Object(SPDX3Package)
+    creationInfo = _Object(SPDX3CreationInfo)
+    doc = _Object(SPDX3SpdxDocument)
+    tool = _Object(SPDX3Tool)
+    organization = _Object(SPDX3Organization)
+    person = _Object(SPDX3Person)
+    def __init__(self, **d):
+        super().__init__(**d)
+    def to_json(self, f, *, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None):
+        class Encoder(json.JSONEncoder):
+            def default(self, o):
+                if isinstance(o, SPDXObject):
+                    return o.serializer()
+                return super().default(o)
+        sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
+        for chunk in Encoder(
+            sort_keys=sort_keys,
+            indent=indent,
+            separators=separators,
+        ).iterencode(self):
+            chunk = chunk.encode("utf-8")
+            f.write(chunk)
+            sha1.update(chunk)
+        return sha1.hexdigest()