bitbake-diffsigs: make finding of changed signatures more robust

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State Accepted, archived
Commit 7358378b90b68111779e6ae72948e5e7a3de00a9
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Series bitbake-diffsigs: make finding of changed signatures more robust | expand

Commit Message

Adriaan Schmidt April 12, 2022, 7:42 a.m. UTC
In `runtaskhashes`, the keys contain the absolute paths to the recipe. When
working with shared sstate caches (where these absolute paths can be different)
we see that compare_sigfiles does not identifiy a changed hash of a dependent
task as "changed", but instead as "removed"&"added", preventing the function
from recursing and continuing the comparison.

By calling `clean_basepaths` before comparing the `runtaskhashes` dicts, we
avoid this.

Signed-off-by: Adriaan Schmidt <>
 lib/bb/ | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)


diff --git a/lib/bb/ b/lib/bb/
index 1612b4ef..130b38d8 100644
--- a/lib/bb/
+++ b/lib/bb/
@@ -991,8 +991,8 @@  def compare_sigfiles(a, b, recursecb=None, color=False, collapsed=False):
     if 'runtaskhashes' in a_data and 'runtaskhashes' in b_data:
-        a = a_data['runtaskhashes']
-        b = b_data['runtaskhashes']
+        a = clean_basepaths(a_data['runtaskhashes'])
+        b = clean_basepaths(b_data['runtaskhashes'])
         changed, added, removed = dict_diff(a, b)
         if added:
             for dep in sorted(added):
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@  def compare_sigfiles(a, b, recursecb=None, color=False, collapsed=False):
                             #output.append("Dependency on task %s was replaced by %s with same hash" % (dep, bdep))
                             bdep_found = True
                 if not bdep_found:
-                    output.append(color_format("{color_title}Dependency on task %s was added{color_default} with hash %s") % (clean_basepath(dep), b[dep]))
+                    output.append(color_format("{color_title}Dependency on task %s was added{color_default} with hash %s") % (dep, b[dep]))
         if removed:
             for dep in sorted(removed):
                 adep_found = False
@@ -1013,11 +1013,11 @@  def compare_sigfiles(a, b, recursecb=None, color=False, collapsed=False):
                             #output.append("Dependency on task %s was replaced by %s with same hash" % (adep, dep))
                             adep_found = True
                 if not adep_found:
-                    output.append(color_format("{color_title}Dependency on task %s was removed{color_default} with hash %s") % (clean_basepath(dep), a[dep]))
+                    output.append(color_format("{color_title}Dependency on task %s was removed{color_default} with hash %s") % (dep, a[dep]))
         if changed:
             for dep in sorted(changed):
                 if not collapsed:
-                    output.append(color_format("{color_title}Hash for task dependency %s changed{color_default} from %s to %s") % (clean_basepath(dep), a[dep], b[dep]))
+                    output.append(color_format("{color_title}Hash for task dependency %s changed{color_default} from %s to %s") % (dep, a[dep], b[dep]))
                 if callable(recursecb):
                     recout = recursecb(dep, a[dep], b[dep])
                     if recout: